Night Preceding Battle

Denis Saunders ('Almendro')

Slashing at the shore,
Salt skimmering in the moonlight,
And always that roar
Like a family quarrel. Tonight
I look across the disarranged sea,
Undulating unaltered, only I,
Different and detached, divining Me
Formulated as a breathing question-mark
Crivelling in lust-pregnated casing,
Like bee seducing pollened virgin,
Questions 'Why?'
Why dust-born society advancing dust's decay,
Cradled in metal-moulded rhetoric, insane
Distortion of armed arbitration?
With this 'Why?' pounding, thumping in my brain
I demand God end His holiday
And influence the situation.
Yesterday I embraced my plough with masochistic pleasure, 
Worrying if my economic seeds would be enough
To feed the hungry. Soil and work were the measure
Of my education.
Today I killed a man. God forgive me!
Tomorrow I shall sow another political corpse,
Or be dead myself.  And strangely
I am satisfied to be applauded killer.
Holy Mary plead my dutied sin's legality.
Is there no end, reason, answer? Damn the sea!
Slashing at the shore,
Salt skimmering in the moonlight,
And always that roar
Like a family quarrel.  Tonight
They are rolling up the guns for tomorrow's battle,
I must not be late to hear Death rattle
In my enemy's throat.
The flame of Hell pythoning	
Around my trigger finger insinuates coercion,
And feeling body's blooded-reeds contracting,
Dispose of humanity's humiliated feelings
And know that I am ready.
Christ, it's cold tonight!
Return to Oasis -- Shepheard-Walwyn Ltd (1980)